Sexual Violence

Do you need help?


What Is

Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence refers to any type of unwanted sexual contact in which a person did not consent to participating. Consent cannot be given by persons who are underage, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, asleep, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated. A person who is forced or coerced to participate in any kind of sexual activity cannot consent.

Recognize it

Sexual violence is an umbrella term for many types of violence that are sexual in nature, including, not limited to, sexual harassment, unwanted sexual contact, sexual assault, and rape:


Sexual harassment

Is a type of sexual violence that refers to any kind of unwanted sexual advances or remarks, requests for sexual favors, and includes both verbal and physical harassment.


Sexual assault

Is when an individual knowingly or intentionally engages in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with another person without that individual’s consent.


Unwanted sexual contact

Can include unwanted sexual experiences involving touch but not sexual penetration, such as kissing, licking, fondling, or groping without consent.


Sexual coercion

Is a tactic that is commonly used to pressure an individual into agreeing to engage in sexual activity using non-physical methods.

Did You Know?

According to a survey conducted by the Department of Justice in 2020, every 68 seconds, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. And for every 9 minutes that pass, that person is a child.

This type of violence can impact people of all ages, genders, races, and abilities. Sexual violence impacts thousands of Arizonans and millions of people living across the United States.

Get Help

If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual violence, help is available.

If you’d like to connect with a Victim Services Specialist on the Arizona Sexual and Domestic Violence Helpline.

To look at our interactive map of services currently available around the state. These resources can provide a guide towards healing, legal assistance and court advocacy, medical care, safety planning, therapy services, and support groups.

To access more information or if you’d like to speak with our team.

If you are interested in receiving a training from our Sexual Violence Response Team/Department, please contact us or click here to fill out a request form.